Topic/Unit |
Name |
Learning Target |
Unit 1 |
Growing as Readers and Thinkers
Students understand and practice close reading strategies useful in both fiction and nonfiction, in order to improve and monitor their ability to comprehend more complex text. |
Unit 2 |
Comparing and Contrasting Characters across Texts |
Students understand that analyzing can be applied to the work of comparing and contrasting characters, and how the role and behaviors of the character and the change of characters over time influences the theme of the story. |
Unit 3 |
Analyzing Informational Text |
Students understand that text features are used strategically by authors to convey intended meaning. |
Unit 4 |
More than the Main Idea |
Students understand that identifying the elements of the story plot leads way to theme and the overall message you take away from a text. |
Unit 5 |
Using Text Structures to Understand Nonfiction |
Students understand that readers organize and then summarize complex pieces of text choosing graphic organizers that capture the structure of the text to assist in this work. |
Unit 6 |
Comparing Theme Across Texts and Genres |
Students understand that theme or central message is more often implied that explicitly stated. |
Unit 7 |
Higher Level Comprehension:Developing Agency and Independence |
Students understand that pulling together the comprehension skills in concert, and knowing which ones work more efficiently with which genres, helps to provide a deeper understanding of text. |
Unit 8 |
Considering Multiple Perspectives |
Students understand that by reading a variety of fiction and nonfiction that they interpret and respond differently to texts. |
Unit 1 |
Narrative: Tackling Narratives of Personal Significance |
Students understand that writers use a variety of narrative techniques to develop their stories, crafting personal narratives that carries an important meaning, or significance. |
Unit 2 |
Narrative: Crafting Compelling Stories |
Students understand that writers think about the complexity of a character and the events of the story to help explore a theme or teach a lesson. |
Unit 3 |
Informational: Writing Expository Texts of Great Personal Interest |
Students understand that explanatory paragraphs use facts, details and examples to convey information and explain it to the reader so that they understand it more thoroughly. |
Unit 4 |
Informational: Research Writing that Teach and Engage Readers |
Students understand that writers gather relevant information from multiple resources, interpret and communicate the information to teach and engage readers. |
Unit 5 |
Persuasive: Building Powerful Arguments |
Students understand that writers strengthen their position or claim by including evidence supporting the opposing viewpoint and then offering a rebuttal. |
Unit 6 |
Review of Previous Studies |
Students understand that writers make conscientious choices about precise language and vocabulary to use and sometimes writers must revise mentally and do not have the opportunity to write multiple drafts. |
Unit 7 |
Refining Writing Across All Genres |
Students understand that writers make conscientious choices about precise language and vocabulary to use and sometimes writers must revise mentally and do not have the opportunity to write multiple drafts. |
Unit 8 |
Writing to Learn in Content Areas |
Students understand that writers communicate their understanding in a variety of ways, choosing a form appropriate to the task, purpose and audience. |
Unit 1 |
Addition and Subtraction with Fractions |
Students explore how to use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. |
Unit 2 |
Addition and Subtraction with Decimals |
Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to the thousandths place and apply these computation skills to real world problem solving. |
Unit 3 |
Multiplication and Division with Fractions |
Students understand how to apply the concepts of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.
Unit 4 |
Multiplication with Whole Numbers and Decimals |
Students understand the place value system and apply this understanding to accurately perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals. |
Unit 5 |
Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals |
Students use place value strategies, the properties of operations, and the relationship between multiplication and division to divide whole numbers and decimals. |
Unit 6 |
Area and Volume |
Students understand the concepts of volume including recognizing volume as additive, deriving and applying a formula for volume, and solving real world problems. |
Unit 7 |
Operations and Word Problems |
Students understand and use the structures from the various word problem types in order to solve problems with fractions, decimals, and whole numbers, and persevere through the problem solving process. |
Unit 8 |
Algebra, Patterns, and Coordinate Graphs |
Students write and interpret numerical expressions and examine patterns and relationships numerically and visually on a coordinate plane. |
Unit 9 |
Measurement and Data |
Students understand the concepts of volume and classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy. |
Unit 10 |
Pulling the Learning Together |
Students apply their grade level math learning to solve non-routine and novel problems. |