Student Tools

  Book Creator
Links to the apps and websites commonly used at school including the usernames and passwords to log in

Login to BookCreator through Google (email to login is [email protected] password: regular Chromebook password)

 clever image Clever     Link to iReady

Link to Khan Mappers
  Google Classroom App Google Classroom
All Content Areas
    use Google Classroom and Bookgrams are here

(email to login is [email protected] password: regular Chromebook password)

 splashlearn  Splash Learn Math Games
Math Facts Practice

(Login Info in Book Creator)
  Storyworks  Nonfiction Articles, Stories, Plays

Class code (for any 4th grader):
   Khan Academy
Math Practice individualized to MAP score

Log in with Clever (see above)

Pick the category to work on, watch the learn videos first, then, do the practice
 iReady iReady Math Practice individualized to leveled student test

Log in with Clever (see above)

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