Bell Schedule
School Day: 8:05 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. (Soft Start) 8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. (Instructional Day)
School Hours: 8:15-3:15
Office Hours: 7:30-3:45
Inclement Weather Dismissal Plan
Thank you in advance for your patience and support as we safely dismiss students during weather events. It is our goal to communicate alternate dismissal procedures as soon as possible. However, because Colorado weather is unpredictable, we may need to make decisions near dismissal time. Watch for phone, email, and text notification and keep a copy of this plan for your reference.
ALL students will remain in the building in the case of an immediate weather event, such as overhead lightning or hail. Once the principal/safety & security determine it is safe to exit the building, we will begin to dismiss students outside.
- Bus and daycare bus riders - Students are dismissed to the North Atrium where they wait until their bus arrives and they are called outside. Staff members supervise this process. (K-2 students will be escorted by staff.)
- SAE students -Will be dismissed through interior hallways to SAE. If SAE is canceled, their staff calls parents to pick them up.
- Car loop - Students will remain with their teachers in classrooms. Parents will give the student’s first and last name to the staff member assisting at the car loop. Staff will call into the classroom for the student(s). Staff will direct students as they walk through the building and out to the car.
- Parents who park and walk to school grounds. Students will remain in their classroom. Parents will go to the exterior door of the classroom to check out their student from the teacher.
Note: For safety reasons, Ms.Spiegler’s class will dismiss students from Ms. Brickle’s Room 195 and Ms. Criswell’s class will dismiss students from Ms. Drumright’s Room 196. There will be signs on the classroom doors which are next to the outside tables by the north bus loop.
Fifth-grade students will move into the STEM classroom in the main building. Students will be dismissed from the Room 199 exterior door, between third and fourth grade.
- Walkers and Bike Riders - Students will remain in classrooms until the student receives directions from the parent. Teachers will assist students in calling/texting parents to get instructions. Parents can also call the school office with new plans.
Note: If your child is picked up at Bear Park parking lot or any other neighborhood street, please follow the instructions for “Walkers and Bike Riders.”